Dr. Corliss Bean profiled in Our Stories at the University of British Columbia

Headshot of Dr. Corliss Bean

DPRG alumni Dr. Corliss Bean was recently profiled with Our Stories at the University of British Columbia!

Until her recent faculty appointment with Brock University, Corliss’ postdoctoral fellowship with the DPRG focused on evaluating the Small Steps for Big Changes program. Corliss works closely with 14 women who participated in the Small Steps program, studying their journey to understand why and how the program is working.

Corliss says, “Throughout my research, the importance of providing people with the tools they need to make their own changes has become so evident. It’s all about prevention.”

Read more about Corliss Bean’s research and story here: https://ourstories.ok.ubc.ca/stories/corliss-bean/