An extensive list of publications can be found here.
Cara E. Johnston, Megan M. MacPherson, Mary E. Jung. (2024). Are Diabetes Prevention Programs Reaching Those Most at Risk? A Scoping Review. Canadian Journal of Diabetes. DOI:
Cranston, K.D., Grieve, N.J. & Jung, M.E. (2024). Exploring perspectives of type 2 diabetes prevention program coaches and training delivery staff on e-learning training: a qualitative study. BMC Med Educ 24, 1469 . DOI:
Mary E. Jung, Alexandre Santos, and Kathleen A. Martin Ginis. (2024). “But will they do it?” Challenging assumptions and incivility in the academic discourse on high-intensity interval training. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 49(11): 1461-1470. DOI:
Cranston KD, MacPherson MM, Sim JA, Jung ME. (2023). Small Steps Towards an Inclusive Diabetes Prevention Program: How Small Steps for Big Changes is Improving Program Equity and Inclusion. Community Health Equity Research & Policy. 0(0). DOI: doi:10.1177/2752535X231189932
Cranston, K. D., Ivanova, E., Davis, C., & Jung, M. E. (2022). Fidelity and maintenance of motivational interviewing skills in diabetes prevention program coaches: a pilot study. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 1–13. DOI:
Jung, M. E., Locke, S., Bourne, J. E., Beauchamp, M. R., Lee, T., Singer, J., MacPherson, M., Barry, B., Jones, C., Little, J. P. (2020). Cardiorespiratory fitness and accelerometer-determined physical activity following one year of free-living high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training: A randomized behaviour change intervention trial. International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity. DOI:
Santos, A., Lonsdale, C., Lubans, D., Vasconcellos, D., Kapsal, N., Vis-Dunbar, M., Jung, M. (2020). Rates of compliance and adherence to high-intensity interval training in insufficiently active adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Systematic Reviews. DOI:
Eather, N., Beauchamp, M.R., Rhodes, R.E., Diallo, T.M.O., Smith, J.J., Jung, M.E., Plotnikoff, R.C., Noetel, M., Harris, N., Graham, E., Lubans, D.R. (2020). Development and Evaluation of the High Intensity Interval Training Self-efficacy Questionnaire (HIIT-SQ). Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. DOI:
Bean, C., Sewell, K., Jung, M. E. (2020). A winning combination: Collaborating with stakeholders throughout the process of planning and implementing a type 2 diabetes prevention program in the community. Health and Social Care in the Community, 28(2), 681-689. DOI:
Bean, C., Dineen, T., Jung, M. E. (2020). Lessons Learned in Supporting Women with Prediabetes through Maintaining Diet and Exercise Behavior Changes Beyond a Diabetes Prevention Counselling Program. Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology, 4, 21-31. DOI:
Islam, H., Siemens, T. L., Matusiak, J. B. L., Sawula, L., Bonafiglia, J. T., Preobrazenski, N., Jung, M. E., and Gurd, B. J. (2019). Cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular endurance responses immediately and two-months after a whole-body Tabata or moderate-intensity continuous training intervention. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. DOI:
MacPherson, Locke, S., Merry, K. J., Jung, M. E. (2019). Effects of mHealth Prompts on Self-Monitoring and Exercise Behaviours Following a Diabetes Prevention Program. JMIR mHealth. DOI:
Rees, J. L., Chang, C. R., Francois, M. E., Marcotte-Chenard, A., Fontvieiell, A., Klaprat, N., Dyck, R. A., Funk, D. R., Snydmiller, G., Bastell, K., Godkin, F., Dube, M., Riesco, E., McGavock, J. M., Yardley, J. E., Sigal, R., Gibala, M., Weisnagel, S., Prado, Ca., Jung, M., Manders, R., Boule, N., Little, J.P. (2019). Minimal effect of walking on glycemic responses in type 2 diabetes: The multi-site E-PAraDiGM Protocol. Acta Diabetologia.
Locke, S. R., McKay, R., & Jung, M. E. (2019). “I’m just too busy to exercise”: Reframing the negative thoughts associated with exercise-related cognitive errors. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.
Little, J., Langley, J., Lee, M., Jackson, G., Myette-Cote, E., Durrer, C., Gibala, M., Jung, M., (2019). Sprint exercise snacks: A novel approach to increase aerobic fitness. European Journal of Applied Physiology. DOI:
Rafiei, H., Robinson, E., Barry, J., Jung, M. E., Little, J. P. (2019). Short-term exercise training reduces glycemic variability and lowers circulating endothelial microparticles in overweight and obese women at elevated risk of type 2 diabetes. European Journal of Sport Science
Bourne, J. E., Ivanova, E., Gainforth, H. L., & Jung, M. E. (2019). Mapping behavior change techniques to characterize a social cognitive theory informed physical activity intervention for adults at risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Translational Behavioral Medicine.. DOI:
Bourne, J. E., Little, J. P., Beauchamp, M.R., Barry, J., Singer, J., & Jung, M. E. (2019). Brief exercise counselling and high-intensity interval training on physical activity adherence and cardiometabolic health in individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research Protocols.
Weatherson, K. A. Locke, S., & Jung, M. E.* (2019). Exploring the effectiveness of a School-based Physical Activity Policy in British Columbia, Canada: A Mixed Methods Observational Study. Translational Behavioral Medicine.
Strachan, S. M., Bean, C., & Jung, M. E. (2018). “I’m on the train and I can’t stop it”: Reactions to being prediabetic and the role of self-compassion. Health & Social Care in the Community. DOI:
Barry, J.C., Simtchouk, S., Durrer, C., Jung, M. E., Mui, A. L., Little, J. P. (2018). Short-term exercise training reduces anti-inflammatory action of interleukin-10 in adults with obesity. Cytokine. 111:460-469. DOI:
Locke, S. R., Bourne, J. E., Beauchamp, M. R., Singer, J., Little, J. P., & Jung, M. E. (2018). High-Intensity Interval or Continuous-Moderate Exercise: A 24-Week Pilot Trial. Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise. 50(10):2067-2075. DOI:
Strachan, S. M., Stadig, G., Jung, M. E., Semenchuk, B. (2018). Affective and self-presentational responses to an exercise identity challenge: Investigating identity theory and the role of others. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 36, 132-138. DOI:
Jung, M. E.*, Bourne, J. E., Gainforth, H. L. (2018). Evaluation of a community-based, family focused healthy weights initiative using the RE-AIM framework. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Manuscript ID: IJBN-D-17-00244. DOI:
Lee, R., & Jung, M. E.* (2018) Evaluation of an mHealth app: A pilot trial of ‘Destressify’ on university student mental health. Accepted in the Journal of Medical Internet Research. DOI:
Weatherson, K. A., McKay, R., Gainforth, H. L., & Jung, M. E. (2017). Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of a School-Based Physical Activity Policy in Canada: Application of the Theoretical Domains Framework. BMC Public Health, 17:835, DOI:
Nugent, S., Jung, M. E.*, Bourne, J. E., Loeppkey, J., Little, J. P. (2018). The influence of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training on sedentary time in overweight and obese adults. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. Accepted manuscript: apnm-2017-0453.R2 DOI:
Jung, M. E., Bourne, J. E., Buccholz, A., Martin Ginis, K. A. (2017). Strategies for Public Health Initiatives Targeting Dairy Consumption in Young Children: A Qualitative Formative Investigation of Parent Perceptions. Public Health Nutrition, 20, 2893-2908. DOI:
Barry, J. C, Simtchouk, S., Durrer, C., Jung, M. E., Little, J. P. (2017). Short-term exercise training alters leukocyte chemokine receptors in obese adults. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 49, 8, 1631-1640. DOI:
Weatherson, K. A., Gainforth, H. L., & Jung, M. E.* (2017). A Theoretical Analysis of the Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of School-Based Physical Activity Policies in Canada: A Mixed Methods Scoping Review. Implementation Science, 12,41. DOI:
Dowd, A. J., & Jung, M. E.* (2017). Self-Compassion Directly and Indirectly Predicts Dietary Adherence and Quality of Life Among Adults with Celiac Disease. Appetite, 113, 293-300. DOI:
Marcinow, M., Randall Simpson, J., Whiting, S., Jung, M. E., Buchholz, A. (2017). Young Adults’ Perceptions of Calcium Intake and Health: A Qualitative Study. Health Education & Behaviour, pgs. 898-906. DOI:
Jung, M. E., Latimer-Cheung, A. E., Bourne, J. E., & Martin Ginis, K. A. (2017). The Use of Targeted, Framed, Efficacy Enhancing Messages for Increasing Dairy Consumption in Adults Aged 30-50: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51, 57-66. DOI:
Dowd, A. J., Chen, M. Y., Schmader, T., Jung, M. E., Zumbo, B. D. & Beauchamp, M. (2016). Psychosocial predictors of changes in adolescent girls’ physical activity and dietary behaviors over the course of the Go Girls! group-based mentoring program. Health Education Research, 31(4). DOI:
Voth, E., Oelke, N. D., Jung, M. E. (2016). A Theory-Based Exercise App to Enhance Exercise Adherence: A Pilot Study. JMIR mHealth uHealth 2016;4(2):e62). DOI:
Kilpatrick, M., Lane, S. E., Rice, A. M., Aguilar, D. T., Kallin, G., Tran, T., Catapano, K. M. & Jung, M. E. (2016). High-intensity Interval Training In Overweight And Sedentary Adults: Impacts On Intention For Future Exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 48(5S Suppl 1):304. DOI:
Bailey, K. J., Little, J. P., Jung, M. E. (2016). Self-Monitoring Using Continuous Glucose Monitors with Real-Time Feedback Improves Exercise Adherence in Individuals with Impaired Blood Glucose: A Pilot Study. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 18(3). DOI:
Jung, M. E., Little J. P., Batterham A. M. (2016). Commentary: Why sprint interval training is inappropriate for a largely sedentary population. Front. Psychol. 6:1999. DOI:
Currie, K. D., Bailey, K. J., Jung, M. E., McKelvie, R. S., MacDonalad, M. J. (2015). Effects of resistance training combined with moderate-intensity endurance or low-volume high-intensity interval exercise on cardiovascular risk factors in patients with coronary artery disease. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18, 637-642. DOI:
Robinson, E., Durrer, C., Jung, M. E., Voth, E., Bourne, J. E., Simtchouk, S., Little, J. P. Short-term high-intensity interval and moderate-intensity continuous training reduce leukocyte TLR4 in inactive adults at elevated risk of type 2 diabetes. Journal of Applied Physiology. 119(5):508-16. DOI:
Dowd, A. J., Jung, M. E., Chen, M. Y., Case, S., & Beauchamp, M. R. (2015). Prediction of Adherence to a Gluten-free Diet using Protection Motivation Theory Among Adults with Coeliac Disease. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Advance online publication. DOI:
Jung, M. E., Bourne, J. E., Beauchamp, M. R., Robinson, E. &, Little, J. P. (2015). High-intensity interval training as an efficacious alternative to moderate-intensity continuous training for adults with pre diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Research, Volume 2015. Article ID: 191595, 9 pages. DOI:
Kilpatrick, M. E., Martinez, N., Jung, M. E., Little, J. P., Salomon, K. ( 2015). Affective and Enjoyment Responses to High-Intensity Interval Training in Overweight/Obese and Sedentary Individuals. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 37(2):138-49. doi:
Jung, M. E., Bourne, J. E., Little, J. P. (2014). Where does HIT Fit? An examination of the Affective Response to High-Intensity Intervals in Comparison to Continuous Moderate- and Continuous Vigorous-Intensity Exercise in the Exercise Intensity-Affect Continuum. PLoS One. 2014; 9(12): e114541. DOI:
Currie, K. D., Bailey, K. J., Ramautar, S., Jung, M. E., McKelvie, R. S., MacDonald, M. (2014). Combined high-intensity interval and resistance training in patients with coronary artery disease. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, pii: S1440-2440(14)00198-4. DOI:
Kilpatrick, M. W., Jung, M. E., Little, J. P. High-intensity interval training: A review of physiological and psychological responses. ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal 18(5), 11-16. DOI:
Gierc, M. S. H., Locke, S., Jung, M. E., & Brawley, L. (2014). Attempting to be Active: Self-Efficacy and Barrier Limitation Differentiate Activity Levels of Working Mothers. Journal of Health Psychology. DOI:
Kilpatrick, M., Martinez, N., Little, J., Jung, M. E., Jones, A., Price, N. (2014). Impact of High-Intensity Interval Duration on Perceived Exertion. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Published ahead of print, August 18, 2014. DOI:
Dowd, A. J., Chen, M. Y., Jung, M. E., Beauchamp, M. R. (2015). ‘Go Girls!’: Psychological and behavioral outcomes associated with a healthy lifestyle program for adolescent girls. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 5(1), 77-86. DOI:
Jung, M. E., Stork, M. J., Stapleton, J., Bourne, J. E., Matrin Ginis, K. A. (2014). A Systematic Review of Behavioural Interventions to Increase Maternal Calcium Intake. Maternal and Child Health. DOI:
Bailey, K. J., & Jung, M. E. (2014). The Early Bird Gets the Worm! Congruency Between Intentions and Behavior is Highest When Plans to Exercise are Made for the Morning. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 19, 233-247. DOI:
Currie. K. D., Bailey, K. J., Ramautar, S., Jung, M. E., McKelvie, R. S., MacDonald, M. (2014). Combined high-intensity interval and resistance training in patients with coronary artery disease. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 18(6):637-42. DOI:
Kilpatrick, M. W., Jung, M. E., Little, J. P. High-intensity interval training: A review of physiological and psychological responses. ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal, 18(5). 11-16.
Gierc, M. S. H., Locke, S., Jung, M. E., & Brawley, L. (accepted September 1, 2014). Attempting to be Active: Self-Efficacy and Barrier Limitation Differentiate Activity Levels of Working Mothers. Journal of Health Psychology.
Dowd, A. J., Chen, M. Y., Jung, M. E., Beauchamp, M. R. (2014). ‘Go Girls!’: Psychological and behavioral outcomes associated with a healthy lifestyle program for adolescent girls. Translational Behavioral Medicine. DOI:
Sessford, J. D., Jung, M. E., Brawley, L. R., & Forbes, J. L. (2014). Do older adults’ beliefs about their community mobility predict walking performance? Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, DOI:
Jung, M. E., Mistry, C., Bourne, J. E., Perrier, M. J., Martin Ginis, K. A., Latimer-Cheung, A. E. (2014). A qualitative investigation of adults’ perceived benefits, barriers, and strategies for consuming milk and milk products. Health Education Journal. DOI:
Little, J. P., Jung, M. E., Wright, A. E.*, Wright, W.*, & Manders, R. J. F. (2014). Effects of high-intensity interval exercise versus continuous-moderate intensity exercise on postprandial glycemic control assessed by continuous glucose monitoring in obese adults. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, 39(7): 835-841, DOI:
Dowd, A. J.*, Schmader, T., Sylvester, B. D., Jung, M. E., Zumbo, B. D., Martin, L. J., & Beauchamp, M. R. (2014). Effect of social belonging and task framing on exercise cognitions and behavior. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 36, 80-92. DOI:
Dowd, A. J.*, Tamminen, K. A., Jung, M. E., Case, S., McEwan, D., & Beauchamp, M. R. (2013). Motives for adherence to a gluten-free diet: A qualitative investigation involving adults with celiac disease. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. DOI:
Bottorff, J. L., Poole, N., Kelly, M. T., Greaves, L., Marcellus, L., & Jung, M. E. (2014). Tobacco and alcohol use in the context of adolescent pregnancy: Review of the literature. Health and Social Care in the Community. DOI:
Jung, M. E. (2013). Strategies to increase consumption of milk products. Nutrition & The Physician: An Expert’s Summary. Canadian Medical Association Journal.
Boyd, J., Simpson, C., Jung, M., Gurd, B. (2013). Reducing the intensity and volume of interval training diminishes cardiovascular adaptation but not mitochondrial biogenesis in overweight men. PlosOne. DOI:
Williams, C., Zelt, J., Castellani, L., Little, J. P., Jung, M. E., Wright, D. Tschakovsky, M., Gurd, B. J. Changes in mechanisms proposed to mediate fat loss following an acute bout of high intensity interval and endurance exercise. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 38(12): 1236-1244, DOI:
Jung, M. E., & Brawley, L. R. (2013). Concurrent Self-Regulatory Efficacy as a Mediator of the Goal – Exercise Behaviour Relationship. Journal of Health Psychology. 18(5):601-11. DOI:
McRae, G., Payne, A., Zelt, J. G. E., Scribbans, T. D., Jung, M. E., Brendon, J., & Gurd, B. J. (2012) Extremely low-volume, whole-body, aerobic/resistance training improves aerobic fitness, muscular endurance and exercise enjoyment in females. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 37, 1124-1131. DOI:
Struik, L., Bottorff, J., Jung, M. E., Budgen, C. (2012). Reaching girls through social networking: A new avenue for smoking prevention messages. Candian Journal of Nursing Research, 44, 84-103. URL:
Wilson, A. J., Jung, M. E., Cramp, A. G., Simatovic, J., Prapavessis, H., & Clarson, C. (2012). Effects of a Group-based Exercise and Self-regulatory Intervention on Obese Adolescents’ Physical Activity, Social Cognitions, Body Composition and Strength: A Randomized Feasibility Study. Journal of Health Psychology, 17, 1223-1237. DOI:
Little, J. P., Gillen, J., Percival, M. Safdar, A., Tarnopolsky, M., Punthakee, Z., Jung, M. E., & Gibala, M. (2011). Low-volume high-intensity interval training reduces hyperglycemia and increases muscle mitochondrial capacity in patients with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Applied Physiology, 111, 1554-1560. DOI:
Lubans, D. R., Plotnikoff, R. C., Jung, M. E., Eves, N., & Sigal, R. (2012). Testing Mediator Variables in a Resistance Training Intervention for Obese Adults with Type 2 Diabetes. Psychology and Health, 27, 1388-1404. DOI:
Jung, M. E., & Brawley, L. R. (2011). Exercise persistence in the face of varying exercise challenges: A test of self-efficacy theory in working mothers. Journal of Health Psychology, 16, 728-738. DOI:
Jung, M. E., & Brawley, L. R. (2010). Concurrent Management of Exercise with Other Valued Life Goals: Comparison of Frequent and Less Frequent Exercisers. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 11, 372-377. DOI:
Jung, M. E., Fitzgeorge, L., Prapavessis, H., Faulkner, G., & Maddison, R. (2010). The Getting Physical on Cigarettes trial: Rationale and methods. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 2, 35-44. DOI:
Jung, M. E., Martin Ginis, K. A., Phillips, S. M., & Lordon, C. (2011). Increasing calcium intake in young women through gain-framed, targeted messages. Psychology and Health, 26, 531 – 547. DOI:
Plotinikoff, R., Eves, N., Jung, M. E., Padwell, R., & Sigal, R. (2010). Multi-Component, Home-based Resistance Training for Obese Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Obesity, 34, 1733-1741. DOI:
Wilson, A. J., Prapavessis, H., Jung, M. E., Cramp, A. G., Vascotto, J., Lenhardt, L., Shoemaker, J. K., et al. (2009). Lifestyle modification and metformin as long-term treatment options for obese adolescents: study protocol. BMC Public Health, 9, 434. DOI:
Strachan, S. M., Brawley, L. R., Spink, K. S., & Jung, M. E. (2009). Strength of exercise identity and identity-exercise consistency: Affective and social cognitive relationships. Journal of Health Psychology, 14, 1196-1206. DOI:
Jung, M. E., Bray, S. R., Martin Ginis, K. A. (2008). Women’s behavior change and the frosh 15: Tracking physical activity and dietary patterns in 1st year university. Journal of American College Health, 56, 523-530. DOI:
Arbour, K. P., Latimer, A.. E., Martin Ginis, K. A., & Jung, M. E. (2007). Moving beyond the stigma: The impression formation benefits of exercise for individuals with a physical disability. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 24, 144-159. DOI:
Martin Ginis, K. A., Jung, M. E., Brawley, L. R., Latimer, A. E., Hicks, A. L., Shields, C. A., & McCartney, N. (2006). The effects of physical activity enjoyment on sedentary older adults’ physical activity attitudes and intentions. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 11, 29-43. DOI:
Martin Ginis, K. A., Latimer, A. E., Brawley, L. R., Jung, M. E., Hicks, A. L. (2005). Weight training to activities of daily living: Helping older adults make a connection. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise, 38, 116-121. DOI:
Martin Ginis, K. A., Jung, M. E., & Gauvin, L. (2003). To see or not to see: Effects of exercising in mirrored environments on sedentary women’s feeling states and self-efficacy. Health Psychology, 22, 354-361. DOI:
Martin Ginis, K. A., Latimer, A. E., & Jung, M. E. (2003). No pain no gain? Examining the generalizability of the exerciser stereotype to moderately active and excessively active targets. Social Behavior and Personality, 31, 283-290. DOI: